Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend Fun

This weekend was nothing out of the ordinary.

We grilled out with the neighbors and played Green Sweater. We also came up with our rules for our 4th of July party on Friday. We are having a Bobby Flay Throwdown: Grilling! The boys are going to be each cooking ribs, burgers and pork. And us girls are going to be the judges :D It should be fun! We are also going to get some fireworks to set off in the evening!

Saturday, Matt and I decided to rent a movie from On Demand. He let me get Bride Wars (Kate Hudson was on Rachel Ray that morning and made me really want to see it) Matt was NOT into this movie, lol. But it was a cute movie for sure! Kate said it was for boys AND girls, but it was so not for boys! Ooops :D

Sunday, we got up to go to church. And the last few weeks, every time we go to church, they have changed the times or been having something special at a different time. Its getting REALLY annoying. BUT we decided to get up and go to the service at 11. Since we had been having some really bad luck getting to the early service at 8:45. Well I made a silly joke on the way saying, I'm sure something is going on and it got changed to 10am service, ha ha.. And guess what.. Service was changed to 10am because they were having a broadcast from Orlando, Florida General Assembly. We are starting to wonder if these are all signs this is not the church for us.. But we do really like it, I just dont know. I wish they would update their website better for us! That would help out people that aren't familiar with their church yet.

So, we went to McDonalds and got a iced mocha to share and went to Walmart to get some dinner things. Came home and watched the race. Matt went golfing with Tyler (our neighbor) and we all had Taco Bell on the patio when they were done around 9:30.

That was our weekend. Fun Times :)

PS~ Tonight is Jon and Kate Plus 8. I just can't stop watching this show. Its all so sad, but I feel like I need to know what is going to happen. I am still wishing this is all for show, and they are going to work things out and everything will be great... Hopeful wishing....

PSS~ I'll post pictures tomorrow for sure :) And maybe a video!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. I'm thankful for Air Conditioning! Over the past two weeks, the average temperature has prolly been around 90 degrees..THAT is just TOO hot for me!
Although I have no A/C in my car boo...

2. I'm thankful for Nair Shower Hair Remover! Haha this MAY sound a bit weird, but that stuff is AMAZING for real! I love not having to shave my legs anymore, it takes like 3 min rub off the cream and whoala! Smooth legs! Love it!

3. I'm thankful for marinade. Matt can pick out some awesome marinades to put on almost any meat, and they taste soooo much more yummy with marinade on them :)

4. I'm thankful for mosquito spray. When we sit outside in the evenings, there is so many bugs, and I always forget to put the spray on and get bit, but after its on, its much better :) I need to remember to put it on FIRST :) haha

5. I'm thankful for Alicia and Buddy ~ I could put this on EVERY Thankful Thursday for sure because I just can't get enough of Jaxson! I love love love checking Alicias blog and looking for new updates with pictures and videos.. I just wish that I could be close to see him do all the new amazing things hes doing... And I'm thankful for Jaxson becuase it has brought my sister and I together more than ever... She is an amazing friend and sister!

Hope you all had an amazing Thursday, and remember...

Be Thankful!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

All Legs

Not much to report today, so I figured I would post some new pics of how big Sadie is getting! She's ALL legs right now and still VERY clumsy! haha :) She does think that Bella is a chair or bed. She is constantly just plopping herself down on Bella and chilling... I think Bella likes it cuz it keeps her warm...

This picture CRACKS me up so much! They wrestle and aren't mean, but this picture makes it look like Bella is gonna tear Sadie up! I can't wait to see how they are going to play when Sadie is full size, b/c right now, Sadie is just a big taller than Bella but prolly almost the same weight.. So in a month I'm sure Sadie is gonna shoot right past Bella :) I can't wait!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Theme of today: GOLF

Matt came home today from work and wanted to know if he should join a golf league with his work.. I said "Of course!" I think it will be good for him to hang out with his collegues and make some friends :) So every Wed. he is going to be golfing... So of course we had to....

Go get him some clubs! :) And off to Dicks we were! He really wanted this golf bag with clubs included that was orange... BUT I told him to talk to the guy there to see which would be a good beginner set...And he led us to a set that was $50 more but apprently a very good set for a beginner... (It was yellow..) But I told him that he can't golf with things JUST because they are orange... (that boy and orange I swear lol) So we got the yellow one.

Well since he is going to be a serious golfer.. All serious golfers need...

A Callaway Golf Glove.. Duh! ;)

So now that hes set up his bag and clubs and got his glove on... Its time to practice!

I took a video so that dad could critique his golf swing..I told him I think that its a little off.. But what do I know haha :)

I think he needs to work on hitting it straight...

Because I'm pretty sure you're NOT supposed to be looking UP in the trees for your ball.. lol :)

Then he broke his first golf tee, he was so proud, but I'm pretty sure your NOT supposed to break them....

And to finish up, Matt thought he could pick up the ball like Tiger Woods... He said its a work in progress..

And then we made some ranch burgers and potatoes on the grill...

A wonderful night! <3

Baby Golf

As I was browsing through a friends pictures, I came across this picture... I JUST HAD to post it for dad to see because Jaxson TOTALLY needs this! :D

Isn't that pretty cool :) How cute would that be! BTW mom, do you remember Chanda Rabel and Jason Doring? Well they got married and this is their little boy Reid Doring :) They must like golfing too!

More storms yesterday, and you know what that means... More power outages :( I'm getting pretty used to it! I hear the box go out (its VERY loud) and I know its going to be at least an hour before we have power again.

Well, my coffee is done, so I'll sign off for now! Its chore day .. woo hoo :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Daddys are special!


I wish we could spend more time together! Someday when we get a dependable car, I will come home more often! I love you very much and thank you for everything you have done for me and all you have taught me! I m
iss you! Happy 26th Fathers Day Daddy! <3>

I am so happy that Alicia found you (or maybe you found her I can't remember ;) But you are a wonderful father! And I'm happy to call you my brother :D Take good care of my sister and my favorite nephew EVER! :) Happy 1st Fathers Day! <3>

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Iced Mocha, Dog Park and Ice cream!

For awhile, I have wanted to take the dogs to a dog park. We have a big one bout 15 min's away. Well today of all days, I decided to go (its 95 degrees out) lol... Anyway, Bella, Sadie and I hopped in the car, and headed for the doggy park!

We got there, and the fenced in area for the park looked like fun for the pups, BUT, there were some BIG dogs there... And there was a couple in front of me that went in with a big dog, and right when they entered, the other big dogs swarmed him and they all got in a big growling fight :( SO me having little dogs that would be snacks to the big dogs decided to just walk around on the path in the rest of the park.

They enjoyed this just as much I think, plus it wore 'em out and we went back to the car and got some water and went on to our next activity...


haha :) I was hot too, so we stopped and got a Iced Mocha and I got a vanilla cone for the dogs. I'm not quite sure how Sadies little tummy will handle it, but I guess we will soon find out! Bella I know will be fine, she has had icecream we will see! Side note: Sadie laid in the backseat all the way home (until the icecream) with one paw in the water dish I set in the back (the dish was full of water) haha :)

So we had a pretty fun day! Next time we go, hopefully Matt will come to help me with them INside the park, and I'm not going back when its 90+ degrees out! Just to hot for us all for sure!

I wish I could post some pictures, but if you know me I'm sure you can guess this.. BUT my camera battery is dead and I've lost the charger..Me and chargers just don't mix! I don't know where I put the darn things lol!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Date Night

Every Friday, for the last year or so... Matt and I have dedicated Friday nights to our own personal "date night" Each week we switch who makes the plans! This week is Matt's turn! I'm hoping he doesn't plan something outside, because it is HOT! 95+ degrees, and it "feels" like 105+.. I'm NOT a fan of this weather AT all! I hate sweating! ick..

Matt had fun on his golf outing with Tyler yesterday. He said he really enjoys golfing! He is turning out more and more just like my dad lol :) I guess the saying is true, daughters always end up with someone like their daddy!

Speaking of dads...

Don't forget Fathers Day is this Sunday! I actually got my cards out on time! I'm getting better at that lol :D

Well Sadie is at the door whining so I'm gonna get off the computer and hang out with the dogs for awhile!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

No Power = Boring! (Thankful Thursday)

Today is kinda hard to be thankful I will admit! We have been getting these bad storms lately in the afternoon, and it usually makes the power go out for about an hour. Well today as I was sitting in the middle of the stairwell (I feel safe there.. I'm weird, I know lol) There was a crack of lightening, and it lit up my whole house blue and then the power was out! Well I sat there and waited, and waited, and finally the storm let up, but power was still out.. Well, it went out at about 2pm and didn't come back on until 8pm!! AND my phone went dead on top of that! Usually I am really good about having the backup battery charged so during these storms, I have a working phone... But I was to tired to worry about it yesterday! So I sat around and played with the dogs and my DS..

So.. On to my Thankful Thursday...

1. KUB~ (Knoxville Utility Board)...Because if they didn't exsist... I don't think I could survive with out any power! lol ~ I dont know how they did it in the olden days...

2. I'm thankful for golf! It has created a good bond for Matt and our neighbor, Tyler! They are both interested in learning to golf, and went out today to golf and get to know each other!

3. Choke collars~ It is so much easier training Sadie with this kinda of collar! She listens so much better and is learning!

4. Nail polish~ It was about the only thing I could do today while the power was out! lol

5. Having all my pictures and decorations finally hung up! It makes me feel so much more at home and peacefull! Its weird how much a curtain can make you feel better! :)

Hope everyone likes my new layout! I love photoshop! :D

Monday, June 15, 2009

Nature can be beautiful!

Lately, while I have been outside with the dogs... I have found myself looking at nature in a different way. It's really strange. I have never really cared much for photography, except taking pictures of family and friends. But walking around in the yard, things have been catching my eye and making me look at things in a new way! And it has made me want to take pictures of these things! Here are a few things I took this weekend :)

My favorite picture is the ladybug one... The lighting and clearness is awesome in my unprofessional eyes! haha

Also this weekend, Matt and I used our splurge money on a patio set and some tiki torches! So we grilled out and sat by candlelight! It was fun :)

And to end... Sadie had her checkup at the Vet on Friday. And she has grown 4 lbs in three weeks! I think all in the legs! lol ~ She is getting super tall and the vet said that she is going through her "geeky teenage" phase. Shes so clumsy with her long legs! She is now officially taller than Bella too! I'm not sure that Bella is liking that too much :) But she'll get used to it!

Have a good Monday everyone! :)


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. I'm thankful for flip flops~because dogs can't pee in those! LOL And they wipe off easily :)

2. I'm thankful for living in a valley. Because we still get really bad storms, but not many tornadoes! Although the lightening is horrible, but at least its not a tornado!

3. I'm thankful for all the honest people in my life. I have come across so many not honest people. And I am glad they are no longer my friend.

4. I'm thankful for "green" shopping bags! I love taking these to the store and not coming home with a zillion plastic bags, that are no use to me!

5. I'm thankful for whoever invented a grill! Since we got ours, I feel like we have been eating like a King and Queen! lol Matt even had steak one night, and I tried it and it wasn't AS horrible as I thought it was going to be!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beautiful to Ugly

This morning was gorgeous outside. It turned ugly very fast! Around 2ish I believe, it started to get real nasty looking outside. So I let the dogs out quick, and I wasn't the only one with that idea. Our neighbor who has Sadies sister (Ella) and is currently babysitting their brother (Fred) and their other dog Addison were also out. They all just wanted to play, but the storm was coming fast!

I turned off all the appliances and such. And sat in the stairwell (I feel safe there because there is no windows...) Anyway, I heard three loud crashes, and boom, our electricity was out. That's when I moved into the bathroom with the dogs, my phone and a flashlight! I'm so paranoid...

In the end, the storm passed, and we were out electricity for about 45 mins. In which I found out our smoke alarm is run by electricity and was going crazy while everything was shut off. VERY annoying for 45 min.

Then I'm sitting here (already freaked out mind you) and I swear I hear screaming outside (kinda distant) and then I heard what my mind thinks is a gun shot. I have no idea what that really sounds like, but right now, I am assuming? So I checked all the doors quickly and lowered the blinds and shut them. I'm sure its nothing, but this afternoon has just been so scary! Sometimes paranoia is annoying.

Beautiful Days

Sadie says "Hi!"

Bella, Sadie and I went on a walk today! We found pretty little weeds (I'm assuming) that were all shaped like hearts!

After I wore them out, they sunbathed. Bella especially loves just laying out in the sun! Sometimes I think I should put a little sunscreen on her belly so it doesn't get sunburnt! LOL

Then Bella took a nap and Sadie decided to play in her toy basket!

In other news...

Our neighbors are getting their fence put in. And boy is it loud! Its so weird to live somewhere where I can hear whats going on outside and in other peoples houses! The walls are so thin here! But him and us are the only ones with out fences here. So hopefully we get ours next!

Did anyone see the Saved By the Bell skit on Jimmy Falon? It was so funny! If you liked Zach Morris, you will love it! I still love SBTB~ Watch it every morning from 7-9am :D LOL

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just another day...

This weekend was pretty relaxing.. Matt wasn't feeling to well from his cold, so we just hung out and didn't do much. I worked on some laundry...I wish I could put up a clothesline! I am washing the bedding today, and want to hang it outside! Maybe next year :)

I took Bella and Sadie to Petsmart today to get their nails and ears done. They were having a special on the package where they got their nails clipped, filed and ears cleaned, all for only $11. Originally its $20! So no more sharp long nails for them!

We are looking into places to go on vacation this summer... Any suggestions? We wanna go somewhere not to spendy, but fun! Matt wants to go out to Cali. He's never been there.. but I dont think we will be able to afford that right now...We'll see!

Oh, one last thing! Yestarday, I got a new pair of $5 tennis shoe type shoe from Walmart right? Well I brought them home, set them by the door. When I went to take the dogs out, and put on my new shoes for the first time.. Guess what I found...A puddle of pee-pee! Sadie peed in my new shoes! I was so mad, but of course she doesn't understand much yet. But of all places! LOL That was her first accident in awhile too. I think she wanted to mark her territory since everything in the house "is Bella's"...So she got to my shoes first LOL .. Who knows!


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Another weekend...

So this weekend is going to be pretty uneventful. Matt and I both have a cold, mines ending, and Matt's is starting :( Boo for summer colds!

My computer has been having issues holding a charge, because the little plug always falls out. So Matt and I went to his work today, and he fixed it all up like new again! So hopefully that will work. He had to do the same to his.

It was pretty neat going to his work and seeing his workspace and desk! I could tell he was excited for me to see everything (his drawers and parts and so much stuff) He does a good job there! They have a dog park at their work, so I may bring Bella and Sadie over there sometime and have lunch with Matt and play in the dog park. Hopefully there wont be many dogs, I dont know how they would get along with others..

Tonight we are going to grill some brats and corn on the cob! And relax the rest of the weekend!!


Friday, June 5, 2009

New pictures!

Step one: Full highlights.. Soon I will be back to blonde all the way!

Finally got us a grill!! First time grilling since we moved!

Video of Sadie and Bella playing!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


For some reason, my pics aren't showing up! :( I will work on it though later this evening! I have pictures of all our work outside and my hair and Sadie and Bella ~ So watch for it! :)

A puppy after my own heart!

Going back to my blonde roots...

On Friday, Matt said I could get my hair fixed. And boy, was I happy!! It was getting to be 1/2 red and 1/2 dirty blonde. Not pretty! So I went to the salon and got it highlighted. She said that would be the only way to fix it, with out pretty much killing my hair trying to get the red out! So after it was all done, I was so excited! It looked soooo much better! In 6-8 weeks she said come back and highlight it one more time and I should be back to blonde the way I want :) Yay!

Then on Saturday, Matt and I decided with our "fun money" for the two weeks, we were going to get a deck set and grill. Well got out to Matts car, and he had a completely flat tire! So he changed that, but it took awhile, cuz we didn't have a tire iron and the screw things were on really tight. And it was like 90 degrees out. It wasn't that fun... But we got the spare on it and went to Walmart. And decided to get his oil changed and get a new tire while we were shopping. So then since we did that, we decided to just get a grill instead of the deck set. (We are going to get that with the next pay check)

We came home and grilled out! It was YUMMY! And we have grilled out every night since Sat! We also are taking a break from SoS so we have been sitting on the patio in the evenings and talking and playing with the doggies! Sat night our neighbors decided to join us on the patio (actually both of our neighbors came over) and we all sat around and got to know each other! It was so much fun to finally hang out with some people!

Then last night Tyler and Ashley (one of our neighbors) came over for some Rockband fun! We named our band The Woodpark Heros! :) It was lots of fun! And since we played all weekend, I had lots of cleaning to do today!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

30 Years and Counting!

Happy 30th Anniversary Mom and Daddy!!

I wish I could have spent it with you guys! And I hope you are all having fun in PA on your vacation!!

Love you!!!


Monday, June 1, 2009

Sick Puppy

So we got some weed killer, and Matt sprayed it around the edges of the "jungle" and we let it dry a few hours before we let Sadie and Bella outside. Well I think that Sadie may have eaten a weed or two, and she was so restless and whiny on Sunday night. She didn't sleep once, and she was very touchy, if I went near her or Matt or Bella, she growled. It was really scary :( But finally she fell asleep at 10am. She woke up around 11:30 or so and threw up twice. And then all day she slept off and on, but didnt eat at all. So we went out and got some puppy wet food to mix with her food. And she finally ate. And she slept a little that night. And the next day she was back to normal! Thank goodness, cuz if she was still sick, I was going to take her to the vet! I think it may have been a mix between the weeds, growing and teething. Cuz she got alot taller this weekend! So she may have just been having a growth spurt, I dunno. But shes much better and back to her playful self! :)
